Stuff We Love

I am a little embarrassed to admit how many toys and books I have picked up for Little Man. Some stuff is good and some stuff I can’t wait to give away. Everything in this section is Mom-e approved. Whether it is a toy that we all enjoy playing with or books that we read over and over and over and over again, these are some of our favorite things.

Finding gifts for teens can be tough, but here are some ideas that are sure to please. Read on for some great gift ideas for teens. As the mother of a teenager, I can confirm that thinking of gift ideas for teens can be tough. They’ve outgrown most of theRead More →


Although Scattergories is designed for older kids, the alphabet die that it comes with is also great for practicing the alphabet and phonics! (I originally wrote this post when Edison was a toddler. This activity was fantastic for practicing the alphabet and phonics. Now that he is in preschool, weRead More →